
Online shop – site having an address on the Internet www.dancetorg.com
Goods – products presented for sale in the online store.
The seller – IP Terekhina N. B., was 760602078555
Customer – placed the Order physical entity.
The order is duly issued by the Customer's request to purchase a Product.
Delivery service – a third party that provides the contract with the Seller for the delivery of Goods to Customers.

1. General provisions
1.1. These Conditions are a public offer in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
1.2. When ordering goods online store, the Customer agrees to these Terms. The fact of acceptance of the offer is pressing the button 'Buy' at the last stage of Ordering.
1.3. The seller reserves the right to amend these Terms, in connection with which the Client agrees to regularly monitor changes in Conditions.
1.4 in the performance of contractual obligations shall be governed by the RF Government decree of 27.09.2007 №612 'On approval of Rules of sale of goods remote way' and its subsequent editions, the Law of the Russian Federation No. 2300-1 'On consumer protection'.
2. Checkout
2.1. To Order you must register in the online store. There may be the case with your order and without registration. In any case, the Client is obliged to fill in all form fields of the checkout. Otherwise, the Seller disclaims any liability for violations of the terms of shipment.
2.2. The seller is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the Client during registration.
2.3. The client undertakes not to disclose to third parties the login and password specified during registration. In the event of the Customer suspicions about the safety of his login and password or the possibility of their unauthorized use by third parties, the Customer shall immediately notify the Seller by e-mail.
2.4. The Customer order may be executed in the following manner: issued by the Customer in the online store.
2.5. After Ordering, the Customer receives information on the expected date of transfer of the Goods to the Customer. The date depends on the availability of the ordered Goods at the warehouse of the Seller and the time required to process the Order.
2.6. If the Customer orders the Goods in an amount exceeding the available stock from the Seller, the Seller informs the Client by sending a message via e-mail or phone specified by the Client during registration. The client is entitled to agree to accept Goods in the amount available from the Seller or to await the production of the desired goods or cancel this position of Product Order. In the case of no response from Customer within 3 days after notification, the Seller reserves the right to cancel the Order.
2.7. All materials presented on the Website are for reference only and can not fully convey accurate information about properties and characteristics of the Goods, including colors, sizes and shapes. In case the Client issues concerning the properties and characteristics of the Goods before Ordering, the Customer must contact the Seller.
2.8. In the absence of the ordered Goods to the warehouse of the Seller, including for reasons beyond the control of the Seller, the Seller is entitled to cancel the specified Goods from the Customer Order and notify Customer by sending an electronic communication to the address specified during registration.
2.9. In case of cancellation of prepaid reservation, the prepayment amount is fully refundable by the Seller to the Customer is agreed between the parties.

3. Shipping
3.1. Delivery is the Federal state unitary enterprise 'Russian Post' or his unit EMS Garantpost. The shipping done by the Seller and at the expense of the customer within 48 hours of placing the order on the website. The time and cost of delivery are provided by the website when the order is placed by the Client. Delivery in Yaroslavl is not possible in any way.
3.2. Shipping is done on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, Saturdays, except holidays.
3.3. The seller will make every effort to comply with delivery times, nevertheless, does not rule out delays in delivery due to circumstances beyond the control of the Seller (including, but not limited to, traffic jams, accidents, breakdowns).
3.4. The seller guarantees the confidentiality and protection of personal information of the recipient.

4. Payment For The Goods
4.1. The price of the Goods specified in the online store.
4.2. The price of Goods in online store may be changed by the Seller unilaterally. The price of goods ordered by the Customer is not subject to change.
4.3. The store is a system of deferred payment, in which, after the formation of the Order, there is a coordination of details (availability, number etc.) between the customer and the store Manager. In case of consistency to the electronic mailbox of the Customer, specified ordering, sent a link for payment through the payment system Yandex.Money. Accepts credit cards and transfers from a purse Yandex.Money.
4.4. The seller may provide the Customer discounts on products and set the bonuses. Types of discounts, bonuses, terms and conditions for accrual stated in the online store, and can be changed by the Seller unilaterally.

5. The Return Of The Goods
5.1. The client is entitled to refuse the ordered Goods at any time before it is received, and after receiving the Goods – within 7 days, excluding the day of purchase. Return of goods of good quality is possible if its trade dress, consumer properties, package, and document confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of this Product.
5.2. The customer is not entitled to refuse the Goods of good quality, having individually defined properties, unless specified Goods may be used only by the Client purchasing it.
5.3. In case of refusal of the Client Product in accordance with clause 5.1 Conditions, the Seller returns to him the value of the returned Goods, excluding the cost of the seller on delivery to and from Customer returned Goods, not later than 10 days from the date of receipt by Seller of a written request from the Customer.
5.4. The customer is not entitled to replace the Goods of appropriate quality specified in the List of non-food goods of proper quality not subject to return or exchange approved by the Russian Government.
5.5. If at the moment of the Client a similar product is not available for sale by the Seller, the Customer is entitled to withdraw from the contract of sale and demand the return paid for the specified goods amount of money. The seller is obliged to return the consideration paid for the returned Goods amount of money within 3 days from the date of the return.
5.6. The customer can return the Goods of improper quality to the Seller and demand return of the monetary amount paid during the warranty period, amounting to 30 calendar days. The client may also require the replacement of Goods of inadequate quality or deficiencies.
5.7. In case of refusal of the Customer from the contract and claim for the refund of money paid for the product amount in accordance with clause 5.6 Conditions, the value of the Goods shall be returned to the Client within 10 days of receipt by Seller of a written request from the Customer. Costs of shipment when returning goods of good quality rests with the Client.
5.8. In case the refund is not simultaneously with the return of the goods by the Customer, refund the specified amount is made by the Seller with the consent of the Client to one of the following ways:
• in cash at the location of the Client;
• postal order;
• by transferring the respective amount to the account specified by the Client.

6. Warranty and liability
6.1. The seller is not responsible for damage caused to the Client due to improper use of the Products ordered in the online store.
6.2. The seller is not entitled to assign or in any other way transfer its rights and obligations arising from its relationship with the Client, to third parties.
6.3. The client undertakes not to use the ordered Goods for business purposes.

7. The privacy and protection of personal information
7.1. When you register in the online shop the Customer provides the following information:
• name and surname of the Client
• e-mail address of the Client
• delivery address (in case of order delivery)
• contact phone number
• password and login
7.2. The seller uses the information provided by the Client in the following cases:
• for Client registration in the online store;
• to meet its obligations to the Customer;
• to analyze the operation of the online store;
• to target the messaging Client advertising and informational
• to determine the winner in the shares held by the Seller.
7.3. The seller undertakes not to disclose information received from the Client. Not considered a violation of the provision of information by the Seller agents and third parties acting under contract with the Seller, to fulfill obligations to the Client and only to the extent necessary for the executedI their obligations.
7.4. Not considered a violation of disclosure obligations in accordance with the reasonable and applicable requirements of Russian laws.
7.5. The seller has the right to use the technology “cookies”. “Cookies” do not contain confidential information and is not shared with third parties.
7.6. The seller receives information about ip-address of the visitor of the online store. This information is not used to identify the visitor.
7.7. The seller is not responsible for the confidentiality of information provided by the Client in an accessible form.

8. Other conditions
8.1. The relationship between the Client and the seller, the law of the Russian Federation.
8.2. In case of questions and complaints from the Customer he needs to contact the Seller using the contact information posted in the online store. All disputes arising parties will try to resolve through negotiations, if not reaching agreement, the dispute will be referred to the judicial authority in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
8.3. The recognition by the court of invalidity of any provision of these Terms shall not entail the invalidity of the remaining provisions.
8.4. All text information and graphic images in the online store are the property of the Seller and/or its suppliers.

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